Our Mission:


To take bold and committed adventurer's on an expedition into the Ancient Temples of our Planets Earliest Surfers , to Surf the Longest Point Break Wave in the world,

Ride Surf Craft designed over  5,000 years ago, to introduce beginners to Surfing

and for You to experience the unfoldment of the Knowledge and ability to:

Surf Till 100

    • This is a  Once in a Lifetime Experience 
    • Imagine this:
    • Only 16 People (Spouses and small groups Welcome) will be invited on this amazing expedition to travel back into time to discover and experience the Spirit and Birth Place of ancient Surfing and you can be one of them  
    • Imagine being on Privately Guided tours, with Surfing Legend Felipe Pomar , Surfing Hall of Famer Jeff Hakman, and professional guides traveling into the depths of Peru's sacred Archeological sites and it's ancient Surfing History 
    • Imagine learning priceless, life changing, longevity principles and practices from experts that will help extend your life 10-30 healthy years and help save you thousands of dollars in health expenses
    • Imagine learning to
    • Imagine Learning How to Design and Live the Life of Your Dreams, a Life that Really Matters
    • From Champions That Have Already Done It and Continue To Do It




“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

-H. Jackson Brown Jr.


Surf Till 100  Ancient Peru Expedition Guides


Felipe Pomar Tom Woods Jeff Hakman


The Huanchaco Surf Riders of Peru 2020 Expedition:

Voyage into the Ancient Origins of Surfing –


Since the 1950s, the world’s top surfers and adventure seekers have been travelling to Peru:

Hawaiians George Downing and Rabbit Kekai, Californians, John Severson and Miki Dora; Australians Peter Troy and Midget Farrely……. more recently Kai Lenny and Laird Hamilton have all experienced Peru…have you?


  • Surfer Magazine Founder John Severson visited Peru after studying world weather maps and deciding Peru had the best chance for consistent quality waves.
  • Oceanographer Rick Grigg opined that Peru was situated in the perfect position to receive consistent clean waves.
  • Champion Surfer Joey Cabell called it “The most consistent surf I’ve ever experienced.
  • Legendary big wave Surfer Mark Foo called it “The best surf trip of my life”.
  • Starting to peak your interest?

Consistent quality surf is only the beginning!


Peru also has a 5000-year surf riding history which is only now being discovered and recognized.


Join the founders of Surf Till 100 on our voyage of Discovery,Surf, lots of FUN with new friends and of course lots of stories..


Felipe Pomar, Peru’s favorite son, Master Health Coach and first

World Surfing Champion , Ambassador of South Americas First World Surfing Reserve ,

Jeff Hakman AKA “Mr. Sunset”, Surfing Hall of Fame Award Recipient, Personal Development Coach and co-founder of Quiksilver,

Tom Woods, Executive Leadership and Health Coach , Conservationist ,

Co Founder of Reef Guardians Hawaii

Special guest lecturer,   Christina-Narayani Degano (N.D),   20+ yrs experience and qualified in various Holistic modalities, Veteran Yoga Instructor and Anti-Aging Specialist....



Expedition Location : Northern Peru


Base Camp : The Beautiful and historical City of  Huanchaco ,the epicenter of Peru’s ancient surf culture.


Join us for a once in a lifetime adventure where we will retrace and re-discover the ancient history of the world’s first surf riders and learn their secrets while visiting their temples and other sacred sites.


You will learn the ancient rituals and beliefs of the Chimu and Mochica people, the ancient inhabitants of the Peruvian coast before the expansion of the Inca Empire. 


You will visit their temples which are as ancient as the pyramids of Egypt and were built in front of some of the most spectacular point waves in the world.


Your adventure will begin upon arrival to Trujillo.


Trujillo, Peru’s third largest city, is a lively intersection of ancient culture and modern art.


In Trujillo you will meet and be hosted by the Representative of the Huanchaco World Surfing Reserve Carlos Antonio Ferrer. He will escort you to Huanchaco.


Huanchaco is South America first World Surfing Reserve and the only World Surfing Reserve with traditions that go back thousands of years before the birth of Christ.


You will surf the same waves where ancient priest and warriors developed their extraordinary health and prowess.


You will visit their temples and learn about their art, religion, and beliefs.


You will also surf their waves, arguably the longest lefts in the world.




The Surf Till 100 Mission Objectives:


To Take you on a Transformative Expedition that you will never forget with Legendary Surfers and Healthy Lifestyle Leaders.


 Our main commitment is to strengthen you our fellow men and women in the development of your Mind, Body and Heart, in order to help you:


Surf Till 100 by Becoming the Champion of your dreams and the creator of a Life that Matters


To help you bring about positive physical, mental and spiritual changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating, and momentum building.


To help you make Transformative Changes that add value to every aspect of your life and to the creation of a sustainable and happy planet for you to Surf Till 100 on.


To help you make your behavior congruent with optimum  beliefs, principles, values and your dreams.


To help enlarge your vision, insight, and understanding of an amazing life and increase your sense of self-worth


To help you know and clarify your god given purposes  in order to rise above mediocrity to become a self-created Champion.


In simple terms, to help you grow through the knowledge and stories that we have to share with you and with the knowledge and stories that your fellow travelers have to share.


To help you become aware that this is a defining moment in time to live the life of a true champion, one who is making a difference in this world we all share.


Our intention to help You


  • We will help you lower your Odds of developing Heart Disease and help you to have the ability to enjoy being an active Surfer / Participant in life  for years to come
  • We will help you lower your Odds of developing Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia and help you retain the Ability to remember your loved ones and Surfing Memories
  • We Will help you To Lower Deadly Silent Inflammation and the Pain that comes with IT
  • We Will Help you to Learn How to Master Stress build emotional resilience and enjoy a much more Joyful and Harmonious Life
  • We Will help You develop the Body, Mind and Attitude that It Takes to Enjoy the Life You Deserve
  • We will Help You Develop Heart Intelligence the Basis for a Transformed Life and World
  • We Will help you to Live a Life That May Save you many Thousands of Dollars in doctor bill bills and help you stay physically, mentally and spiritually active for many years to come.
  • We will introduce you to a community of people who: 
  • Are Making a Difference in Life


The Surf Riders of Peru Expedition

AN Exclusive Event for;

Only 16 Adventuring Souls


A Great Trip for Couples

Desiring to Strengthen there

Heart and Mind Connection

We look forward to Helping You Learn to Surf Till 100

On the Expedition of a Lifetime  

Surf Riders of Peru




Felipe and Tom included me on one of their research missions to Huanchaco, Chicama, and the many amazing ancient temple complex’s in the area.


It was a trip of a lifetime!


From a cultural immersion perspective, this surfing pilgrimage destination is of deep significance and relevance to all wave riders.


To get a first hand experience with the builders of these 5000 year old Caballitos de Totora, and get to witness the local waterman masterfully negotiating these organic wave riding crafts was like being transported back in history.


Don’t pass up the chance to try to catch a wave on one of these natural reed creations. It’s not as easy as the local fisherman make it look. 


Visiting the nearby ancient temples, all of which have ongoing restoration work happening, was also culturally impressive! 


These civilizations were of the sea and this connection is depicted in the art and relics found at these temples.


Then there is Chicama, one of the longest, best left handers in the world. A spot that should be on every true Surfers bucket list.


Add to the above features the awesome opportunity to have Felipe Pomar as one of your country and surfing guides.


I call him the Jack LaLanne of surfing. He is the 1965 world surfing champ. He has been pursuing big waves and world surf travel as long as anyone on the planet.


He is a truly motivational figure and keen to share insights that will bring life to your years, and years to your life! 


I highly recommend this Peru Surfing Pilgrimage!


With Aloha,


Tim Sherer


Owner, Goofy Foot Surf School, Maui

Founder/Stoke Broker


(Photo Above - Tim Sherer on the Stand Up Paddle Board and Huevito on the Caballito

“Huanchaco Is one of the most unique Surf experiences in the world.

Not only do you have a great and consistent waves in town, you also have cutting edge archaeological finds, some of the best food and an ancient culture all within one small area.


And did I mention the longest left in the world is only an hours drive?”


Nik Strong-Cvetich

(pronounced "strong-suh-vetich")

Executive Director


"I have fond memories of Huanchaco and still have my caballito (small one) hanging in my house.

I hope the fisherman are still in the water and in those wonderful reed boats!

I also remember standing on the beach in the early morning watching the beautiful waves peel  in corduroy lines as a local apologized to me that it was flat.


He could not understand my reply that flat was when I drove by 2nd light leaving my office a couple days ago....this was beautiful! "

  Carol Holland  

I have been very fortunate in my life to meet many inspirational

people but one that stands out, head and shoulders above the rest in

the most humble, positive, genuine way is Felipe Pomar.

Andrew McKinnon


Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve Inc.


 Glenn Hening

Founder of the Surfrider Foundation 


From Glenn Hening, founder of the Surfrider Foundation, co-founder of the Groundswell Society, and 4-time visitor to Huanchaco to experience both the waves and the ancient history of "wave-centric" cultures


Going to Huanchaco with Felipe Pomar is something that no surfer should miss if they have the opportunity.


Of course, Felipe is a living legend - but especially in Peru where he won his World Championship.


I can also strongly recommend Huanchaco as the perfect destination. Having been there four times,


I have always enjoyed the surf (its like a Ventura California Street wave, only going left). But that's not all.


The fabled wave of Chicama is about an hour away and you can visit archeological sites of the ancient cultures of the Chimu and Moche including Chan Chan, where you will see ceremonial courtyards ringed with walls depicting lines of groundswells.


For a surfer interested in what many, including myself, consider the earliest known civilizations to have waves as part of their cultures, as well as the reed craft that were most likely the first wave-riding craft, a trip to Huanchaco will be one to remember.


And in the company of Felipe Pomar? Its a can't miss opportunity.



Dr Brett Ritchie

Infectious Diseases Unit,

Women’s and Children’s Hospital


Dear Felipe,

 I have definitely changed my attitude towards ageing. Hearing your approach to improving our health and fitness was insightful  and seeing you surf was totally inspiring.


I have absolutely no doubt after this week, that surfing until 100 years old is achievable.


Many thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience.

Kind regards,


The Surf





Quality and Consistency:


Huanchaco is known as a destination for its consistent, clean surf and ancient pre-Colombian history as a seafaring town.


Huanchaco boasts a talented local surf scene that feasts on the consistent lefts that peel year-round.  The classic sand bottom left hand point break that sits in the center of town is a regional classic.


 Most consistent from April to October, Huanchaco works on swells from 1 to 3 meters.  


An exceptional performance wave on most days, conditions can get more critical when a strong south swell fills in at the point.



Surf Culture and History:


There is no other surf community like Huanchaco, Peru


 It is a small coastal city that straddles three millennia.


A place where thrusters and air-reverses regularly share the lineup with pre-Columbian fishing boats.

 Huanchaco is considered one of the places the sport of surfing was first practiced by fisherman over 2,500 years ago.


The strong ocean culture of Huanchaco is also credited with being the birthplace of Peru’s “caballito de totora” – one of humanity’s earliest known surf crafts – and the artisanal fishing community can still be seen using these crafts to ply the waves for both work and pleasure.


In August of 2014, the Huanchaco World Surfing Reserve and Save The Waves Coalition hosted the inaugural Huanchaco Surf Cup.


 The highlight of the contest was the surfing of the “Caballistas” who demonstrated the functionality and performance of these ancient crafts in shoulder to head high surf.


Environmental Characteristics and Issues:

Immediately after its designation as a World Surfing Reserve, the Huanchaco Local Stewardship Council, with the support of Save the Waves Coalition, was able to stop an illegal coastal trash dumpsite in the neighboring municipality of Buenos Aires.


Building off this initial success, the Huanchaco World Surfing Reserve is focused on protecting the wetlands where the native ‘totora’ reeds grow which are used to make the ancient ‘caballito de totoras’.


They are also focused on bringing permanent legal protection to Huanchaco through Peru’s groundbreaking ‘Ley de Rompientes’ legislation, which is the world’s first federal law in the protection of waves.


 For today’s surfer it offers easy and super-consistent waves, as it is very exposed to all swells.


From the tip to past the long pier is a good 800m. .



The Crown Jewel of Peru





The epic left point surf break, Chicama, is about 40 miles north of Huanchaco and considered by many the Crown Jewel of Peru, 


  This region is all about the long left sand bottom points.


The swells have become more organized when they reach this far north, and the prevailing winds often blow offshore.

This area picks up any southerly or westerly direction, but best on the SW April through October.


 If the swell is big, Chicama can produce waves rideable for ¾ of a mile.


During small swells Chicama point will pick up good waves on the tip, or produce long small longboard lines on the inside on the point



The Surf Rider's of Peru Expedition Locations:


The Surfing Locations of Huanchaco and Chicama have been chosen due to the fact that the Surf can be Excellent and very often the conditions are favorable for many levels of Surfing competency. 


In Huanchaco you have a number of breaks to chose from and you even have the opportunity to take Surfing lessons as well as have the opportunity to be taken out on the Caballito , the ancient Peruvian Surf Craft.


At Chicama we are planning to have the boat assist set up for your convenience to get you back in the line up as quickly as possible since the rides can be so long.


This Expedition will be a very enjoyable Adventure


This Expedition will be great for a couple that would love to go on an Adventure and Grow Together in Hearts and Health


The 2020 Northern Peru Expedition




Felipe and our guides will be taking you into the lives and cultures of people who had a deep connection to the ocean, the waves and the land going back thousands of years.


Archeological discoveries of great importance have earned this area of Northern Peru  the title of the new Cusco.


Cusco is the ancient city close to Machu Picchu, the most visited ancient site in Peru.


 At La Huaca del Sol, the Temple of the Sun and La Huaca la Luna, Temple of the Moon, are adobe pyramids built by the Moche people around 300 BC.


 At Sipan is the King Tut of the New World– the burial tomb of a Mochi royal: the richest tomb discovered in the Americas.


El Brujo, Sipan and Sican are all important cultural sites on the Ruta Moche, but all roads lead to Chan Chan – the Surf City of ancient Peru.


Chan Chan is of equal interest to those interested in world history – and surf history. Built around 1300 AD, Chan Chan was the largest adobe city in the world – home to 60,000.


Along the beach at Chan Chan, perhaps the world’s oldest surf culture is going strong, as modern Peruvian fisherman make it out to sea and back on caballitos de totora – small craft made of reeds that Peruvians have used to get in and out of the surf, going back to 3000 BC – when Hawaii was a Polynesian myth.


Our Destinations:


The El Brujo Expedition



  • Felipe Pomar and professional guides will be leading us on our expedition to El Brujo

El Brujo is located 37 miles (60 km) northwest of Trujillo.


The moniker Brujo, which can be translated as "Wizard," is due to the fact that many healers, witches and shamans used to visit the pyramids here.


Located in the Chicama valley in the province of Ascope, El Brujo has been under investigation since the 1990s and has developed into an impressive destination for the historical-minded travelers.


El Brujo was one of the most important religious sites of the Moche culture. The complex contains the famous Cao Viejo and Huaca Cortada pyramids.


The huge pyramid Cao Viejo is similar to the Huaca de la Luna, Temple of the Moon, which is close to Trujillo; its relief murals and colorful wall designs are still intact and provide visitors with a fascinating look into ancient artwork.


Today, this pyramid is still full of surprises.


There are many legends that are still told by the inhabitants of the Chicama Valley—one tells of a carriage full of gold that appeared at the opening of the pyramid and then drove into the sea, where it sank.


The discovery of the Lady of Cao, a female Moche mummy, in the Cao Viejo had the biggest impact on the El Brujo complex.


Visitors can tour both the burial chamber and the museum, where the Cao mummy is displayed along with the many precious artifacts that were found buried with it.


The museum is one of the most modern and progressive museums in Peru.




Temple of the Moon Expedition



Felipe Pomar and professional guides will be leading us on our expedition to the:

Temple of the Moon


Huaca de la Luna, or Temple of the Moon, was part of the ancient Moche capital.


It was constructed in northern Peru between the first and eighth centuries, using millions of adobe blocks.


The Moche civilization developed great religious complexes, or huacas.



Today the Huaca de la Luna is colored the soft brown of its adobe brickwork.


At the time of construction, it was decorated in registers of murals which were painted in black, bright red, sky blue, white, and yellow.


Inside the Huaca are other murals created in earlier phases of construction.


 Many of these depict a deity now known as Ayapec. Ayapec is a Muchik word translating as all knowing. "Wrinkle-Face" is the name given to another deity by the later Inca because of the deity's appearance.


Many of the later bricks used in the structure bear one of over 100 different markings, perhaps corresponding to groups of laborers from different communities.


Each "team" was maybe assigned a mark to put on their bricks, and these were used to count the number of bricks laid for financial as well as (presumably) competitive purposes.


The Huaca de la Luna is a large complex of three main platforms, each one serving a different function. The northernmost platform, at one time brightly decorated with a variety of murals and reliefs, was destroyed by looters. The surviving central and southern platforms have been the focus of most excavations.


 The central platform has yielded multiple high-status burials interred with a variety of fine ceramics, suggesting that it was used as a burial ground for the Moche religious elite. The grave goods found at the Huaca del Sol suggest it may have been used for the interment of political rulers.


The eastern platform, black rock and adjacent patios were the sites of human sacrifice rituals. These are depicted in a variety of Moche visual arts, most notably painted ceramics


The World Monuments Fund has been working at Huaca de la Luna to support needed conservation work. This includes ongoing assessments, documentation, stabilization, and consolidation of excavated architectural and decorative elements.


The balanced excavation, conservation, and interpretation strategies applied at this significant pre-Columbian site have increased local and international tourism, bringing economic development and job opportunities to the local communities.


As a model for integrating archaeology, conservation, and sustainable tourism development, Huaca de la Luna has received international recognition—it was named one of the ten best-managed sites in Iberian-America by the Secretary of Tourism of Spain, and was awarded the IV Reina Sofía Award for Conservation and Restoration in 2006.


The Chan Chan Expedition




Long before the famous Incas, numerous other, very different cultures populated Peru and left us beautiful artifacts and amazing constructions.


These are scattered all over the country and unfortunately, due to the popularity and breathtaking beauty of Machu Picchu, visited by nearly everyone that comes to Peru, often forgotten.


One of these amazing cultures were the Chimú which emerged around 850 in northern Peru in the area of present-day Trujillo.


At its greatest expansion the Chimú Empire stretched from today’s border with Ecuador in the north along the Pacific coast to Lima in the south.


By 1470 the Chimú were defeated by the Incas that expanded throughout present-day Peru, and perished. But the capital of the Chimú Empire, Chan Chan located just a few kilometers from Trujillo has remained to this day.


The largest pre-Colombian city in the Americas

At its height Chan Chan was the largest pre-Colombian metropolis on the American continent and the largest city in the world built of mud bricks (adobe). Only the city center of Chan Chan stretches over 6 sq km, while the complete zone covers over 20 sq km.


In times of prosperity there were over 10,000 buildings and an estimated 30,000 to 60,000 inhabitants. Although Chan Chan was built in the arid desert strip of the Peruvian coast, the extensive fields and gardens of the capital flourished thanks to a highly advanced irrigation system consisting of various channels and wells.


The planning and managing of this huge city reflect strong political and social structures.


The vision for Chan Chan is that it maintains its status as a cultural symbol for Peru that links the past to the present and plays an essential role in the human development of the region and the country.


The conservation and presentation of the archaeological site and its context will contribute to its value and to the strengthening of Peruvian cultural identity.


Chan Chan is a unique testimony of the lost Chimú Empire.


According to the UNESCO the city is a masterpiece of architecture and hierarchical construction displaying a political and social ideal which has rarely been expressed with such clarity.



The Trujillo Expedition



Trujillo is a city in coastal northwestern Peru and the capital of La Libertad Region.


 It's known for the nation's traditional dance, Marinera.


The colonial center is home to the grand Trujillo Cathedral, with its bright yellow facade, and the blue Casa Urquiaga.


Nearby, the neoclassical Iturregui Palace has Italian marble statues and a courtyard.


West of the city, the huge adobe complex of Chan Chan is an abandoned city once home to the ancient Chimu kingdom.


 It is the third most populous city and center of the third most populous metropolitan area of Peru.


It is located on the banks of the Moche River, near its mouth at the Pacific Ocean, in the Moche Valley.


This was a site of the great prehistoric Moche and Chimu cultures before the Inca conquest and subsequent expansion.


The Independence of Trujillo from Spain was proclaimed in the Historic Centre of Trujillo on December 29, 1820, and the city was honored in 1822 by the Congress of the Republic of Peru with the title "Meritorious City and Faithful to the Fatherland",  for its role in the fight for Peruvian independence.

Trujillo is the birthplace of Peru's judiciary, and it was twice designated as the capital of the country.

 It was the scene of the Revolution of Trujillo in 1932. Trujillo is considered the "cradle of liberty and cradle of the judiciary in Peru".

Trujillo is also known as the "City of Everlasting Spring", is considered the "Capital of the Marinera", a traditional dance in Peru, "Cradle of the Peruvian Paso horse",   as well as the "Capital of Culture of Peru".

It has sponsored numerous national and international cultural events, and has a lively arts community. Current festivals include the "National Marinera Festival", the Trujillo Spring Festival and the International Book Festival, which is one of the most important cultural events in the country.


The city center contains many examples of colonial and religious architecture, often incorporating distinctive wrought ironwork. It includes residential areas, a central business district, and industrial supply distribution to the various districts.


Since 2011, the city has been developing the pilot project Trujillo: Sustainable City, as part of the platform "Emerging and Sustainable Cities of the Inter-American Development Bank", in cooperation with the International Development Bank  (IBM).


In 2012 Trujillo was selected by IBM to participate in a "Smarter Cities Challenge" project intended to improve public safety and transportation through technology.

Hotel Venue , Cuisine and Service

The Hotel Bracamonte

​Huanchaco, Peru



The Hotel Bracamonte is one of the finest Hotels in Huanchaco.

Great Location and Amenities 

Very Friendly Staff and great service.

Soluna Restaurant


Enjoy excellent Peruvian cuisine in the hotels  indoor and outdoor dining rooms surrounded by gardens, in the pool or in your room. 


In the Soluna Restaurant they serve every day and serve a wide selection of dishes based on fish, seafood, beef tenderloin, chicken, pasta and vegetarian food.


 In the same way you can always enjoy delicious desserts, drinks, cocktails,   and natural juices. 




Felipe has arranged for all of our Expedition members to stay in the hotels Superior Rooms

The Hotel Also has for your convenience:

 Swimming Pool if you would like to go for a swim at any time 

High - Speed Wi-fi

Game Room

Tourist Information

Business Center

The Hotel Bracamonte has been a great location for us in the Past. It is very close to the ocean and a short walk into town, shopping restaurants etc. 

Felipe has a great relationship with the ownership that has been very involved in the Surfing Community.


The Surf Till 100 Workshop Agendas

  • The Secrets to Surfing to 100


    Developing the Champion Within


    The Benefits and Real World Challenges to Surfing Till 100 Felipe, Jeff and Tom introduce the Story of Surf Till 100  


    Felipe who after living for 75 years and still Surfing Big Waves will share with you his health and fitness secrets to help you to Surf Till 100


    Tom and Jeff will review the Challenges facing us all and begin the process of understanding the laws of personal growth and how they will be your greatest source of 'Health Insurance" in an ever changing world.


     Letting Your Purpose Find You, Setting your goals and vision, utilizing adversity in writing the story of the long happy life you dream of.


  •    Creating A Life that Matters 


            The Surf Till 100 Paradigm – Intentional Living –  


    The Role of Evidence Based Wellness and Functional Medicine in Surfing Till 100


    Building the Foundation of Hormone Balanced Diets for greater energy, mental acuity and optimum performance


    The Enjoyable  Easy to Apply Anti- Inflammation Diet - Utilizing an ancient Diet as a nutritional Foundation for longevity. Lose Weight, get in shape and enjoy your cheese cake too.


    You will learn the basic science of hormonal systems and a hormonally balanced diet designed for optimum performance and lower levels of inflammation.


    You will learn how to prepare simple delicious meals and utilize tools that have proven to help people lose weight, be mentally sharp and more emotionally balanced.


    Easy to Apply Functional Exercise - Exercising to support activities that you love to do


    Surfing Till 100 and Living a Life that Matters in the Zone



  • The Champions Method of Making the Dream

    of Surfing to 100 a Reality

                         Introduction to the Mind of a Champion –


    Developing the Character that will determine your life experiences and Circumstances 


    Introduction to Developing the Heart of a Champion -

    Building Focus, Emotional  Resilience -  Release Stress, Find Balance and Harmony , be in ‘The Flow Zone”


    In this workshop you will be introduced to the science and practices to help you to connect your heart and mind through the autonomic nervous system in order to develop the emotional resilience to face many of life’s challenges graciously and to increase your connectivity with those you love.


     The Champions Dream Test –

    Whether you have lost sight of an old dream or are searching for a new one this workshop will help you create an action plan you can start using immediately “A Plan to OWN your dream of Surfing Till 100”.


    You Will Go Home with:

    1. A Plan

    2. the Know How

    3. The Connections 

    To Help You

    Surf Till 100 and Live a Life that Really Matters


    Our Team Will Be Fully Committed to You and Your Success

    and We Will be there to Help You

    Build The Heart, Mind and Emotional Strength to Achieve Your True Dreams


    Please Note:

    It is our intention to begin this process and continue it with you before and after this Expedition Begins.

    We are committed to helping you develop the character to Win






Register Now and Place Your Deposit

This Expedition will be very exciting and may add many years to your life!

The Surfriders of Peru Expedition is a very rare occurrence.

How often do you get to go on a Surfing related adventure with two living legends

focused on helping you to Surf Till 100 or whatever you really love doing?

  • An incredible adventure with two Surfing Living Legends

  • Health and Fitness Information and know how that may add years to your life,

  • Make new friends, have a lot of fun, accomodations and Expedition adventure travel arrangements taken care of for you 

  • A great trip for couples to share an awesome adventure and to grow together in many rewarding ways

Don't Miss Out on this once in a lifetime adventure that just may add many meaningful years to your life and save you thousands of dollars in medical bills.

Come Join us on this personally transformative  trip tp Peru. We promise to show you a great time and help you grow into the Champion  within.